Document 1849 DOCN M94A1849 TI Truckers and safe sex: what reduces risk. DT 9412 AU Ganesh AK; Selvaraj S; Prabahkar ML; Baskar J; Sundararaman S; AIDS Research Foundation of India. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):437 (abstract no. PD0355). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370726 AB BACKGROUND: A mid-1990 assessment of sexual risk among the trucking community studied several factors including their sex seeking behaviour, sexual practices, frequency of sexual partners, episodes of STIs, genital health, STD preventive practices, HIV concern and harm reduction if any, and recreational alcohol and drug use. The Specific focus of the study was condom use, as condoms have traditionally been positioned in India, as a contraceptive device. PROCESS: 3 HIV/STD prevention support bases aiming to provide an enabling environment for behaviour change were established where truck drivers congregate after existing the Madras. In small groups, truck drivers receive health education on preventing STD/HIV and skills in condom use (first impact). They are encouraged to reduce the risks of infection through reduction in number of partners and use of condoms (first and reimpacts). The program develops consistent condom use and a consciouness of the quality of the device used. Condoms were sold to truckers through vendors, initially positioning the condom as a disease prevention device and later as a dual protection device. A study measured the influence the availability and positioning of condoms play in determining their acceptance as a disease prevention tool among other prophylactics. OUTCOME: It was inferred that inorder to achieve safe sexual behaviour among truck drivers, education programs should be supplemented with availability and accessibility of quality condoms within the truck base and it was established that condom is to be positioned as a dual protection device. DE Condoms *Health Education Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL India Risk Factors *Sex Behavior Sexually Transmitted Diseases/*PREVENTION & CONTROL MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).